Vendor Info

Thank you for your interest in doing business with the Water & Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC).

For your convenience, we are now able to electronically transfer funds to those who currently receive checks in the form of payment. This is our preferred method of payment in an effort to reduce costs and provide faster payment of invoices. Once you complete the required documentation, you will receive automatic payment to the bank account of your choice. In addition, a direct deposit check copy will be emailed to you as notification of payment that will provide the invoice detail of the payment. This advice will resemble the check you currently receive, but will state that it is “NonNegotiable”, in place of the signatures.

Please note that if your banking information changes, the Finance Office must be notified immediately and a new form must be completed. If the information is not received, this could delay payment.

To request new vendor forms, contact Shelley Farris via email or mail your request to:

232 Davidson Hwy.
Concord, NC 28027

Submission of Invoices
Email us your invoices
or mail them to us at the address above.

Sales Tax
WSACC is not taxexempt from NC State and County Sales Tax.

Payment Terms
Payment terms are Net 30 days after receipt of correct invoice or acceptance of goods and services, whichever is later. WSACC does not prepay for any goods or services unless authorized by our Executive Director.
If you have any questions, you may call us at 704.786.1783 (ext.227) or email us.

Downloads for Bids

Current Projects Available for Bid

Current Services Available for Bid

Contact us if you are interested in viewing any documents in our bid archives.

Water and Sewer Authority
of Cabarrus County

232 Davidson Highway
Concord, North Carolina  28027

704-786-1783  |  Email Us

© Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County.
All rights reserved. Site developed by Perry Productions.